Community Improvements

Community Improvements

Council is proud to serve its residents while continuing to improve the quality of business, infrastructure and lifestyle. There have been many improvements made already such as: a new water towers, two bridge projects and many ongoing upgrades to municipal services. In addition to large scale improvement projects Council has also worked to improved development and recreation services for residents. 

There are more improvements on the way that will foster opportunities for growth and prosperity within the Village. Stay tuned for this page for updates. Comments are always welcome so please feel to contact the municipal office. 

Service Delivery Review - Final Report

The Village of Burk’s Falls is well managed by a lean crew according to the Service Delivery Review (SDR) conducted by MNP Consulting which concluded with a public presentation at the September 22, 2020 Council meeting. The SDR involved a Current State Review reviewing documentation, developing service profiles, benchmarking against similar organizations, interviewing municipal stakeholders as well as a public survey allowing MNP to identify emerging organizational and service delivery opportunities. 

The Final Report has 18 recommendations that resolve the project objectives to improve efficiency of service delivery, identify cost savings and opportunities for revenue generation, right sizing resources to balance stakeholder expectations and financial constraints of ratepayers bringing innovative solutions to improve the overall value within the Village’s operation. Four (4) themes were drawn out of the process: Economic Development, Efficient Service Delivery, Organizational Capacity and Revenue Generation. 

As next steps Council and staff will review the recommendations and prioritize as it is apparent that while it is a lean operation with few areas to reduce costs, the expenses will eventually exceed the revenues requiring a significant tax levy increase. To mitigate this it will be important to set service levels with key performance indicators that match budget constraints and public expectations. 

Service Delivery Review Final Report

KCU Market 

The Village and Kawartha Credit Union are partnering together to investigate an open air market in the downtown core of the Village. For details on the KCU Market, click the link below to learn more. 


BF KCU Real Estate Advertisement

KCU Market and Brew House

Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

The Community Improvement Plan (CIP) provides key revitalization and improvement strategies for the Village of Burk’s Falls in order to stimulate and support growth in local businesses and the tourism sector. The CIP accompanied by the Downtown Revitalization & Waterfront Master Plan defines goals and objectives, financial incentive programs, and actions in order to revitalize the Village of Burk’s Falls and the identified project areas.

Revitalization will take time and is best accomplished through incremental improvements that will collectively add up to significant changes over time.

Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

Current Capital Improvement Projects

Ontario Street Rehabilitation Project:

The Ontario Street rehabilitation project is a vital component to bringing the Village of Burk's Falls infrastructure up to date and ensuring a good start to the revitalization to the downtown core. Tenders for this project have been awarded to Fowler Construction, and a commencement date is set for late June 4th, 2018. This project will bring about significant improvement to the current water/waste water infrastructure, new sidewalks for safe pedestrian traffic and a new Ontario Street surface.

Downtown Revitalization and Waterfront Master Plan:

The goal of this project is to develop a Village of Burk's Falls Downtown Revitalization and Waterfront Master Plan (Master Plan) that will increase visitation to the area, encourage private sector investment and revitalize the core area of Burk's Falls. The Master Plan will strengthen the downtown core and waterfront area and ensure the success over the years to come. 

Downtown Revitalization and Waterfront Master Plan

Regional Economic Development Strategic Plan (RED Plan) 

The Village of Burk's Falls, in partnership with the Burk's Falls & Area Community Economic Development Committee (BACED) and the Central Almaguin Economic Development Association (CAEDA)< including their municipal members, The Municipality of Poawassan, Labour Market Group (LMG), and NECO Community Futures Development Corporation is seeking to take a regional approach to economic development that maximizes the opportunities for economic, business, and community development in the East Parry Sound area. 

For full details on the Plan click the link below.

Regional Economic Development Plan

Accommodation Study 

The purpose and intended use of this report is to determine the level of market and economic support for a potential hotel development with Burk's Falls, Ontario. 

For full details on the Study, visit the link below. 

Accommodation Study

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